Home » Asbury University welcomes world-wide leader of The Salvation Army

Asbury University welcomes world-wide leader of The Salvation Army

General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox of The Salvation Army

General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox of The Salvation Army

WILMORE, Ky. (April 22,2015) — Asbury University’s historic relationship with the Salvation Army celebrated on April 21 and 22 by a visit from General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox.

General Cox is the 20th world-wide leader of the Salvation Army. Before his election as General, Cox held appointments in Switzerland and Zimbabwe and served as a territorial commander in the Southern Africa Territory, the Finland and Estonia Territory and the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland. In February 2013, he was appointed as Chief of the Staff. Cox’s predecessors include retired General Paul Rader, a former president of Asbury University.

The General and Commissioner Cox’s visit will include a VIP tour of Asbury, meetings with University leadership, fellowship with Salvationist faculty and staff, and a Chapel address on April 22.

Asbury’s relationship with the Salvation Army is longstanding — the first Salvationist student came to Asbury in 1924, and over the years, more than 500 Salvationists have attended the University. Asbury is the only college with an official Salvation Army Student Center, which was built in 1983 with the support of all four Salvation ArmyTerritories.

General Cox reaffirms this relationship, and looks forward to visiting a place that has been formative for generations of “Sallies.” More than half of the Salvationist students that have attended Asbury since 1924 became commissioned officers including corps officers and local officers, divisional and territorial leaders, three national commanders and a former general.

“What potential there is on this campus, with so many young lives committed to learning and in search of knowledge,” Cox said. “Important though it is to train the mind, it is more important to incline our hearts to God and to seek His will for our lives. We pray that as young people develop goals, dreams and ambitions for the future, that they will also find God in this place.”

Dr. Sandra Gray, president of Asbury University, looks forward to the upcoming visit as a time of celebration and recognition of the ways God has used Asbury University and the Salvation Army as partners in mission.