Home » Tucson artist to design monument honoring the contributions women to Lexington’s history

Tucson artist to design monument honoring the contributions women to Lexington’s history

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Barbara Grygutis, an artist from Tucson whose work can be seen across the United States and beyond, has been chosen to sculpt the “Breaking the Bronze Ceiling” monument that will recognize the contributions of women throughout Lexington history.

“This is an exciting moment for Lexington,” Mayor Linda Gorton said. “This monument tells the world that women have made an important contribution in our City. It reminds all of us how far we have come, and how far we have to go.”

Jennifer Mossotti, who along with Councilmember Kathy Plomin is leading the Breaking the Bronze Ceiling committee, said, “This long overdue piece of public art for Lexington will stand as a beacon and an icon to both educate and engage the community about the tremendous struggle women faced – specifically women from Central Kentucky – fighting to obtain the right to vote.”

The statue will be placed in downtown Lexington in August 2020 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.

Grygutis has been commissioned to create over 75 large-scale works of public art throughout North America, and is recognized internationally for her sculptural environments. Her completed projects include sculptural environments integrated into urban and natural landscapes, iconic freestanding works, sculpture gardens, public plazas, gateways and signature markers, memorials, monuments, and works of art designed to enhance pedestrian and urban mass transportation systems. Learn more at http://www.barbaragrygutis.com/.

Earlier this summer, a professional panel of artists and design professionals selected four artists from 127 replies to a national request for artist qualifications (RFQ) issued by ‘Breaking the Bronze Ceiling.’ Each artist presented his or her proposal to the panel in September in Lexington. The panel unanimously chose Grygutis as the overall finalist.

Dudley Webb, chairman of the Board and co-founder of The Webb Companies, announced in August that he is making available a site for the monument on the Lexington Financial Center Plaza, near the corner of Vine and Mill streets. The monument will overlook the Town Branch Commons trail.

Plomin said the group has been working hard to raise $500,000 for the monument for more than a year. “We’re almost at the half-way point,” she said.

Plomin announced a matching gift from two anonymous donors. The next $50,000 in gifts will be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis. “It’s the holidays … the perfect time to give,” Plomin said.