Home » Kentuckians donate $725,649 to online day of giving campaign

Kentuckians donate $725,649 to online day of giving campaign

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Kentuckians donated $725,649 to 223 nonprofit organizations participating in the tenth annual Kentucky Gives Day online giving campaign.

Kentucky Gives Day has raised $4.2 million by participating nonprofits in the ten years since it was launched by Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN), the state association of nonprofits. The 2022 event brought together 3133 donors who made 3754 gifts – all through a single website, www.kygives.org. This year’s total topped the $721,385 raised during the 2021 event and a few remaining donations are expected during the day today.

“Thousands of Kentuckians near and far rallied in support of their favorite nonprofits and invested in their work to serve our neighbors and our communities. As we celebrate the tenth anniversary of this event, we are grateful and certainly proud of our Kentucky home,” said Danielle Clore, CEO of Kentucky Nonprofit Network.

As a result of the pandemic and economic uncertainty, nonprofits continue to face significant challenges. According to KNN’s Year-End Health of the Sector Survey, responding nonprofits continue to report an increase in the demand for services and increased costs, and many are also facing workforce shortages. These challenges impact the state’s third-largest private-sector employer and ultimately impact the communities and Kentuckians nonprofits serve, as many organizations report long waiting lists for critical programs.

“The generosity shown on this powerful day of philanthropy in action is essential to helping nonprofits continue to serve you, me, and our neighbors,” added Clore.

Central Kentucky Community Foundation in Elizabethtown provided prize incentives to participating nonprofits in their region.

The event was sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky and the LG&E and KU Foundation, and media partners include WKQQ, WHAS, WLAP, WBUL and Kentucky News Network.

More information about Kentucky Gives Day, including the results of funds raised by participating charities, is available at www.kygives.org.

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