Home » Good workplace etiquette creates a more collaborative space

Good workplace etiquette creates a more collaborative space

MONTCLAIR, N.J. (Aug 12, 2014) — When working with others in a professional environment, good etiquette often creates success for its practitioners. It’s important to present yourself in a way that makes a good impression and that allows you to advance in your work. In jobs collaborating with other team members and employees, there are skills to help things go more smoothly and show that you know how to be a team player.

Having a positive attitude is crucial, and it can encourage those you work with to adopt a similar attitude and create a more positive workplace for all. Sherry Blair, CEO of ISIS Innovative Specialists Inspirational Services, shares some workplace etiquette to help you get further in your career and encourage positive collaboration.

phone in hands
Put away your phone during meetings and catch up on emails after the meeting is over.

1. Don’t check your emails or texts during meetings

Some people think it’s acceptable to check their email messages and text messages while they’re in work meetings. Even if these emails and texts are work-related, it is disrespectful to your co-workers because you are not giving them your full attention and your actions are distracting. Put away your phone during meetings and catch up on emails after the meeting is over. Remember, you are not an on demand channel.

2. Don’t hold meetings in your cubicle

If you’re having a meeting with multiple co-workers, avoid having it in your cubicle where you will distract close by workers with your talking. Instead try moving into a conference room or a break room where you won’t disturb others. Be respectful of others’ workspace.

3. Dress professionally

There’s nothing that can turn off others than dressing inappropriately at work. Your co-workers and your boss will not take you seriously if you’re dressed too casually or not wearing office attire.

4. Be polite and considerate

Having good manners and being polite is something that people shouldn’t have to be reminded of, but too often people forget their manners in the work place. It’s simple to remember to say “please” and “thank you”, hold open the door for the person behind you, and lower your voice on the phone or take your call outside. These simple things can make a huge difference when it comes to how you get along with your co-workers.

5. Take responsibility

Everyone makes mistakes in the work place from time to time and if you were the one who made a mistake, own up to it. Don’t lay the blame on others you were working with or make excuses; just take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes. Be accountable. By doing so, you set the tone and contribute to an honest culture in your workplace. Honesty builds trust and trust is required in all relationships in order for them to flourish.

6. Honor your commitments

When you’re working with other people, if you fail to meet a deadline this affects everyone involved with the work. Make an effort to honor all of your commitments and make all deadlines. If for whatever reason it will not be possible for you to make a deadline, tell your co-workers so they know what to expect and can make other arrangements if possible. Do this in advance if possible instead of waiting until the 11th hour.

Sherry Blair is the CEO of ISIS Innovative Specialists Inspirational Services; a Licensed Clinical Social Worker; a Board Certified Professional Counselor and Diplomate Professional Coach; teaches at University of California’s Graduate School of Social Work; and is the author of several books.