Home » National Responder Training to be held in Lexington

National Responder Training to be held in Lexington

Scheduled for Thursday

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 16, 2016) — The National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training program is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday at the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services office (KBEMS) at 118 James Court.

The program is designed by responders for responders, in hopes of limiting the number of responder deaths each year. Those deaths include on average five firefighters each year, one law enforcement officer each month, one tow truck operator each week and numerous transportation professionals each year from public works and safety service patrols.

Training includes classroom and hands-on outdoor activities. Upon completion of the course, trainers will have the ability to train others as appropriate using either the full version or through a condensed four-hour training session.

“We want to keep our first responders safe at all times,“ said KBEMS executive director Michael Poynter. “This training teaches responders how they can better respond to those in need, while also being alert to dangerous situations.”

The training promotes:

  • Responder safety
  • Safe, quick clearance
  • Prompt, reliable, interoperable communications